
ZELIQ Raised $15.4 Million in less than a year. Read here.

Prospect DataFind the Right Decision Makers in Minutes

Build your prospect list from our 450 Million database for free. Our real-time enrichment will give you the most up-to-date and accurate data.

DataEnrich Email & Phone Numbers With the Best Waterfall on the Market

We enrich your contacts by going through multiple data providers (Apollo, Datagma, Prospeo and 11 others) instead of one, giving you the most up-to-date information.

  • +80% success rate on emails

  • +45% success rate on phone numbers

Hub EnrichmentBuild Your Ideal Lead List From Our 450+ Million Database.

Use our filters to find leads with the highest buying intent score to increase conversion rates, and move down the pipeline with the goal of achieving a sales meeting:

  • Number of emails clicked

  • Calls connected

  • Number of links clicked

Linkedin extensionAdd Leads from LinkedIn in One Click

ZELIQ's chrome extension lets you add prospects from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator as well as add ZELIQ’s data into LinkedIn

  • Enrich LinkedIn contacts with their verified emails & phone numbers

  • Quick access to their activities, attributes & strategy

  • Add them to dedicated lists to stay organized

AI-generatedKnow Which Leads Are Most Likely to Buy Your Product

 ZELIQ helps you track and prioritize the hottest leads in your task list:

  • Track how many times your leads open your email

  • Amount of clicks on a link

  • Number of missed calls

Always Up-to-Date CRM Data

Already have contacts in your CRM or CSV? All your activities will be updated in your CRM, ensuring no information is left behind.

  • Synchronize your CRM with ZELIQ

  • Or upload a CSV and get it enriched and updated

  • Avoid duplicates in your CRM

  • Updates when your prospects change jobs

WoooooshThe sugar boost you need to grow.